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Relaxation Skills Stress Management Sleep Problems Weight Issues Healthy Lifestyle Change Future Development

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What is Guided Imagery and Self-Hypnosis?

Why This Works

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Guide for Use of Tapes/CDs

Personal Skills and Tools for Physical,
Mental and Emotional Health

Effective Solutions To Life Problems provides highly effective personal skills and tools that work to solve life’s problems, reduce stresses, create healthy personal changes, and achieve meaningful goals. The problem-solving strategy of these self-help skills and tools, and key to producing results is that: self-knowledge combined with accurate information and effective tools and skills give you personal power - the power to change, the power to accomplish, the power to succeed.

If you are seeking effective self-help tools and skills to:

  • improve your ability to cope with life’s stressful demands and challenges, or to relieve stress and its pervasive impact on your health, well-being, and quality of life...
  • increase your capacity to deeply relax-both physically and mentally-to experience more peace and calm, enjoyment and contentment...
  • make healthy lifestyle or life pattern changes that improve your overall health and well-being; including positive changes in your eating habits and nutrition, as well as in your exercise activity, that increase your energy and fitness level, maintain a weight that is healthy for you, and establish better balance in your daily living...
  • finally find an effective, enduring solution to unsuccessful struggles with weight-and the body image and self-esteem issues that often accompany the struggle-so you can lose the weight, maintain that loss, and gain back your confidence, sense of control, and satisfaction in accomplishment...
  • or simply think and believe more positively, and less negatively-to be motivated and able to follow through on the constructive steps and achieve the results that will allow your personal goals to become reality...

Then, the self-empowering techniques of guided imagery, visualization, and self-hypnosis can be a valuable source of real help, support and expert guidance.

The professionally-developed, self-help skills and tools offered in this website are designed to provide readily useable solutions to life problems and stresses. Exploring the site will lead to an encouraging, motivating safe haven and, as importantly, to a resource where you will find knowledge, professional expertise, and clinically proven, experience-based help that supplies you with the tools and skills that work to address your needs in a personalized way. The tools will give you more control over your behaviors and habits, thoughts and emotions, goal-setting and accomplishment, health and happiness, than perhaps you ever believed possible... profound positive impact with real and lasting results.

Through a unique blend of the techniques of deep relaxation, guided imagery and visualization, self-hypnosis, and pattern change on the instructional recordings, you will be able to improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being... to acquire skills that greatly enhance the quality of your life. Although it is not magic, the effects are magical in empowering you to accomplish what you most want - to move beyond quick fixes or empty promises - and into healthier living with more inner relaxation and freedom from stress, fitness, improved self-esteem, mastery, and sustained positive lifestyle changes. You will find it is a fascinating opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and for gaining new, powerful skills to feel better, become stronger, live longer, and live well.


�2013 Effective-Life-Skills

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